Innovative Supporting SErvices for UNiversity Students with dEafness

Common strategies to guarantee the inclusion of deaf students in University are still absent.
ISENSE aims at proposing a long-term sustainable approach to reduce the barriers linked to education to enhance both the motivation of deaf students in attending university and the skills of university staff in communicating with them.
Within this aim, we exploit innovative technologies, such as augmented and virtual reality and holography, to create a high-performing digital education ecosystem.

SLAATE – Sign Language in Augmentative Alternative Technical 3D Environment. Holographic and interactive web-based video for University Orientation

SHARE SLANG – SHAring REpository of Sign LANguage Gesture. Online repository for teaching and learning, including motion data for automatic sign recognition.

SONAR – SOcial iNclusion through Augmented Reality. Training paths for learning sign language basics in five languages by using augmented reality.

GUI4DE – GUIdelines FOR DEaf. List of good practices for improving accessibility and inclusivity of Universities